Jenny Kiehn

Self Portrait Quilt no3

Jenny Kiehn is a Reading based artist originally from the USA. She trained at The Cooper Union in New York City, worked in London as a commercial photographer and now teaches and makes artwork in the Reading area.

Kiehn makes mixed media artworks that include a blend of photographic, textile and sculptural techniques. She often works with translucent surfaces, photographs and found objects. Some of her sculptures involve wax painted surfaces, backlighting and high contrast photographs. These sculptures tend to be quite dramatic with expressive photographs and crusty, uneven surfaces.

Other sculptures take the form of quilts made from squares of dried PVA with found objects encased in them. When the squares are dried, they are then sewn together and framed in deep box frames. The viewer is then free to interpret the artwork by using their own associations of the objects encased in the squares.

All of Kiehn’s artwork deals with issues of emotional attachment, personal history and the mysteries of the unconscious mind.

For more information, see her website,

Little Pangs

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