Nicholas Barton, Friars Walk

Nicholas Barton

A new reality through deconstruction
“One of the extreme problems to painting as objects- is the other side- the back”
-Jasper Johns, in interview with Michael Crichton (1964)
Looking at this quote by Jasper Johns one is lead to realise the innate limitations of the traditional conformed display of a painting. This statement is about the misguided preconception of the back of a painting being for the wall, the sides as a frame and the surface decoration as being the content for enquiry. This limited reality is a falsity as a painting doesn’t exist only within the visual. Its reality is a product of its formation, structure and display which all contributes to the affect of painting. This misconception which confines the importance of the work as merely within the optical, subsequently dictates a misguided reception of the work from the viewer. Through deconstructing works and reassembling them as sculptural forms I wish to explore the reality of painting and create a new environment, developing a differing reception by the viewer.

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